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  • What are your fees?
    Current Fees: Bowen Therapy Sessions: Initial & Follow-up treatments: $85 Home visits: $105 * Babies and infants (up to 2 years of age): Free ** * Home visits are charged a flat rate per individual session and are only available to clients living in Toowoomba. If you live outside of Toowoomba city and suburbs, please call to discuss and get a quote. ** Babies and infants treated for free when a parent/guardian books and pays for a personal treatment. Naturopathic Consultations (Available soon): Initial consultations: TBA Follow-up consultations: TBA ​McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release: Scar Tissue Release treatment session times can vary, depending on the size and complexity of the scar. Price per treatment session allows up to one hour of treatment time. ​ Initial & Follow-up treatments: $90.00 Packages: ​* Men's Vitality Package: $495.00 * Bowen Therapy Package: $245.00 (save $10) Discovery Call: Free Not sure if any of the services are suitable for your health concern? Book a time to have a 15 minute chat over the phone and get your questions answered. If you prefer, you can use this time to visit me at my clinic in person. This time will be used to briefly discuss your health concerns and how I will approach your treatment. It does not offer specific health advice.
  • What are your payment options?
    Payment for all services provided are to be made either prior to or at the conclusion of the service. ​ Most major credit cards are accepted (with the exception of American Express), EFTPOS, direct deposit and cash. If you pay by credit card, we do not store your credit card details. ​ We do not currently have the facility for payment plans.
  • Do you offer Health Fund Rebates?
    As part of the Federal Government health fund reforms, from the 1st of April 2019 health funds are no longer able to provide rebates for Naturopathy and Bowen Therapy consultations. Professional associations are currently working with the Federal Government to review this decision, and a decision regarding re-instating health fund rebates is expected to be made sometime in the near future. In the meantime, please check with your individual health fund if they offer rebates for these services.
  • Do you offer online consultations?
    *** Note that online consultations are currently unavailable until further notice. Yes, online consultations are available for naturopathic consultations, including Australian Bush Flower Essence consultations. When booking for an online consult, please specify in the message/comments that you would like an online consultation. Note that payments must be made upfront before the online consult occurs.
  • What are your operating hours and contact details?
    For location, contact details and business operating hours, please click the button below.
  • What is good health and why is it important?
    Have you ever asked yourself what is health? The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". ​ Many people pay little attention to their health and well-being until something goes wrong. For example, they get sick, have aches and pains or feel unwell. The human body is like a high performance car. It needs regular maintenance and care in order to maintain peak performance and to last the distance. Our cars play an important part in maintaining our quality of life and we generally take good care of them. We take them in for regular servicing, add the right fuel, check the water and oil levels, check the tire pressure, etc. Everyone knows that to get the best performance and life out of their car they need to spend time, effort and money. No one would dare use the wrong fuel or oil in their cars. Unfortunately, many of us don't do the same for ourselves. Doesn't the vehicle that transports us through life deserve the same care and treatment? Just like our cars, if we want to maintain peak performance and to last the distance we need to make an investment in ourselves. ​ Ask yourself these questions: ​ What impact would poor health have on my quality of life? Would poor health affect my ability to work and earn a living? Will it impact on my ability to do the things I want to do with my life? Would I feel happy if I constantly felt unwell or restricted by my health state? How much is my health really worth? ​ Maintaining wellness and good health is a lifelong, daily commitment. ​ "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live" Jim Rohn
  • How do I know if the practitioner I am seeing is qualified?
    Naturopathy and Bowen Therapy are currently unregulated professions here in Australia. What this means is that anyone can claim to be a qualified "Naturopath" or "Bowen Therapist", even though they may not have the level of education and experience required to practice in these professions. For health and safety reasons, it is important that in this current unregulated environment that you exercise due diligence. Before you book an appointment with a practitioner, ask the following questions: ​ Does the practitioner have any formal qualifications in the relevant field? The current education standard is a Bachelor level degree for Naturopathy and a Diploma for Bowen Therapy. Is the practitioner a member of a professional association? To be a member of a professional association requires the practitioner to meet a minimum standard and therefore anyone who does not meet these standards cannot become a member. Current valid associations for naturopathy include: N.H.A.A, A.N.P.A., A.N.T.A., A.T.M.S., A.R.O.N.A.H and C.M.A. For Bowen Therapy these include: B.A.A, B.T.F.A and A.T.M.S. Does the practitioner have professional indemnity insurance? In order to obtain P.I.I. a practitioner needs to meet certain requirements (i.e. member of a relevant association and required minimum training). ​ If you are uncertain or have some doubts, then do not hesitate to ask the practitioner to provide evidence of their qualifications, current association membership and professional indemnity insurance cover. If needed, contact the relevant association for confirmation of membership.
  • What is Bowen Therapy?
    Bowen Therapy is a gentle and effective treatment for pain relief and balancing the body. It is a holistic, gentle and effective physical hands-on technique that aims to treat the cause of joint pain, muscle issues, sports injuries, and ongoing and intermittent pain. It is also very helpful in assisting with balancing hormones, improving fertility, improving sleep quality, relieving stress, relaxing and balancing the body. The practitioner applies gentle rolling-type moves using the thumbs and fingers on precise anatomical points on the body, usually over muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. The technique has a specific effect on the fascia, which is the soft connective tissue surrounding muscles, muscle fibers and organs and creates a network in the body. Each move the practitioner makes at specific locations on the body delivers signals to the nervous system. There is no manipulation or adjustment of hard tissue. ​ During treatment there are short breaks between groups of moves allowing the body to rest and to give it time to respond and accept the information received. These short rest periods are an important part of the treatment and gives the body the chance to make adjustments, re-balance and relieve tension. Following treatment it can take up to 48 hours for the treatment to take effect and four days for the body to start the healing process. In most cases, there is immediate relief after the first treatment. ​ Outcomes from Bowen Therapy treatment range from long-term rapid relief and permanent remission, to significant improvement in mobility, stress, pain and general well-being. Many recipients of Bowen Therapy report having a good night's sleep after a Bowen treatment and often have increased energy, improved circulation and feeling more balanced. ​ On-going research has demonstrated that the Bowen Technique is helpful in alleviating back and neck pain, reduce headaches, resolve frozen shoulder, reduce pain in fibromyalgia patients and improve flexibility. As research continues in this amazing technique, further evidence will emerge to strengthen and consolidate its effectiveness and usefulness in general health and wellness.
  • How can Bowen Therapy help me?
    The Bowen Technique can be used safely for people of all ages and abilities, including new born babies and the elderly. Bowen can be considered for the following: ​​ Neck pain Back pain Sciatica / sciatic pain Digestive problems Headaches and Migraines TMJ (jaw) pain and related issues Earache, tinnitus and sinus congestion Shoulder (including Frozen Shoulder), elbow and wrist issues Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI) and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Restrictions in lung capacity and body flexibility Pelvic, Knee, Ankle and Foot problems Sports and accident injuries Stress and general body tension Promoting deep relaxation Improving sleep quality Body symmetry and balance Pregnancy and infants Menstrual and hormonal irregularities Bed wetting and urinary bladder issues
  • What does a Bowen treatment involve?
    An initial Bowen session takes approximately 60 to 75 minutes, which includes a full body assessment and treatment. The majority of the Bowen moves can be performed through light, loose clothing. Although, you may be asked to remove thick or heavy garments and a light sarong may be used to cover any exposed areas. Some Bowen moves are better performed directly on skin. During the session the practitioner will perform groups of gentle movements with breaks of 2 to 5 minutes (sometimes longer) in between each group of moves allowing your body to respond before commencing the next sequence of moves. Follow-up treatments should be re-scheduled 7 to 10 days and takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your presenting condition. Usually three (3) treatments at weekly intervals are sufficient to achieve lasting relief, although further treatments maybe required (especially for long-term chronic conditions such as a long-standing injury). In long standing conditions, the body has a "memory" of the trauma and therefore requires at least two to three treatments in order to re-set that memory and allow the body to build a new memory of where it should be - the new normal that is back in balance. The Bowen practitioner will discuss with you what is appropriate for your specific needs.
  • Where did Bowen Therapy originate?
    The Bowen Technique was developed in the 1950s by the late Thomas (Tom) Ambrose Bowen of Geelong, Australia. He continued to develop and refine the technique throughout his lifetime. Mr. Bowen had a very busy clinic in Geelong, performing thousands of treatments per year before retiring. ​ Today, the Bowen Technique is known throughout the world and continues to gain popularity and recognition as an effective treatment.
  • What is naturopathy and how can it help me?
    Naturopathy is a distinct holistic healthcare modality which aims to address the underlying cause of ill health and focuses on the prevention of illness. It is distinguished by the principles upon which its practice is based and are continually re-examined in light of scientific advances. The techniques used by a well trained Naturopath include modern and traditional, scientific, and empirical methods. A naturopathic consultation and treatment is holistic in its approach taking into account the whole person including emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and environmental factors. It aims to promote well-being through the whole person, rather than providing only symptomatic relief. Symptoms are your body telling you that there is something not right and it is not in balance. For example, you may be feeling tired and lethargic on a daily basis and use caffeine to give you a lift in the morning (treating the symptom), but this is not addressing the underlying cause which could be attributed to poor sleep quality, poor dietary choices, lack of exercise or even not enough water intake (dehydration). ​ Naturopathic treatments may incorporate diet and lifestyle modifications, herbal medicines, high quality nutritional supplements, flower essence therapy and homeopathic remedies. A referral and collaboration with other health professionals may also be required to get the best outcomes. In many cases, a person may already be receiving conventional treatment for their condition. Many of these treatments are invaluable in helping to manage the health condition. Naturopathy can assist by helping the body’s capacity to heal and to reduce unwanted side-effects from drug therapy or from drug withdrawal. To help identify the root causes of ill health, a naturopath may use any or all of the following assessment tools: subjective and objective information gathered during the interview process, physical assessment techniques, empirical naturopathic assessment techniques, pathology and functional testing. ​ A well trained Naturopath is guided by the following underlying principles: ​ First, do no harm: a naturopathic treatment plan utilises therapies that are gentle, non-invasive, effective and minimise the risk of harmful side effects and interactions. Identify and treat the cause: the emphasis is to identify and remove the underlying causes contributing to ill health, rather than suppressing symptoms alone. Symptoms are an external manifestation of an internal imbalance due to many factors (i.e. nutritional imbalances, exposure to toxic elements, poor lifestyle choices, emotional trauma, unhealthy relationships, etc.). Symptom management is an important part of the treatment, but it is of utmost importance to address the underlying cause(s) for long term resolution of the problem. Heal the whole person through individualised treatments: a naturopathic treatment protocol is customised by understanding the unique factors contributing to the individual’s health state. It is the individual that is in need of treatment, not the symptom or disease state. This is the reason why an initial naturopathic appointment usually takes about an hour. This time is used to build the bigger picture and delve in to discover some of the underlying causes. Only when the underlying causes are revealed, can a suitable individualised treatment plan be implemented. Support the healing power of the body: by recognising and removing obstacles that may be hindering the body’s self-healing processes. For example, there may be certain foods or lifestyle factors that may be hindering the body's ability to heal itself. For example, intolerances to certain foods. Teach the principles of healthy living: by sharing knowledge, empowering and motivating the individual to be responsible for his or her own health and well-being. Health is not something you "purchase" like a commodity. Good health and well-being is something the individual nurtures for themselves by the choices they make on a daily basis. Each time you do something or eat a particular food ask this question: Is what I'm about to do / eat contributing to good or poor health? Prevention is the best medicine: by partnering with the individual and other healthcare practitioners to assess risk factors and recommend appropriate interventions to maintain good health and reduce the risks of future ill health. It is far easier and cheaper to prevent disease than to treat a disease. A naturopathic practitioner evaluates both subjective and objective information to uncover potential susceptibilities.
  • What should I expect from the initial naturopathic appointment?
    The initial appointment can take from 60 to 75 minutes. You may be required to complete some paperwork before the visit to help guide the practitioner during the interview. Much of the initial appointment involves listening to your story and to build the big picture. In order to understand the context of your current state of health, it is an important process and provides the time and space for you to share your story. ​ Laboratory tests and other objective data, in combination with the your subjective story, may be recommended to determine the most effective treatment plan. For example, if there are signs and symptoms suggesting a nutrient deficiency, a laboratory request may be required to confirm this. The treatment is tailored to your needs and actively engages you in participating in the process of improving your own health and well-being. Follow-up visits may be required to assess progress and to make any necessary adjustments. A follow-up visit would normally take about 30 minutes, but may take longer depending on your individual circumstance.
  • What is McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release (MSTR®)?
    The McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Technique (MSTR®) is an innovative, gentle and effective technique producing lasting changes in scar tissue. It can be used to treat all types of scars no matter how old the scar is. Untreated scars can hinder any efforts to remedy pain and restrictions in mobility. MSTR® can be considered for: ​ Post-surgical scars - including laparoscopic keyhole surgery, appendectomies, spinal surgery, hysterectomy and C-sections. Injury or trauma scars- sports injuries, accidents, plantar fasciitis and micro fascial tears. Burn scars Stretch marks Cultural scarification Tattoo scars Skin grafts ​ MSTR® can also be used to treat cellular memory scars, such as the trauma and reminder of the incident surrounding a scar. ​ The look and feel of scars may be unpleasant, and they may even have emotions attached to them due to the traumatic events that created them. Scar tissue may contribute to what seems to be unrelated problems, such as: ​ restrictions in range of motion muscle weakness low self esteem tingling or numbness reduced lymph and blood flow restrictions in the fascia reduced chi or energy flow (in Traditional Chinese Medicine theory) ​ According to research conducted by K. Lewit and S. Olsanka (Clinical Importance of Active Scars: Abnormal Scars as a Cause of Myofascial Pain - 2002), if a scar is left untreated it may be the cause of therapeutic failure and recurrence. What this means, no matter what physical therapy intervention is used (i.e. Bowen Therapy, Physiotherapy, Remedial Massage Therapy, etc.), untreated scars may thwart any efforts to remedy related pain and restrictions in mobility.
  • What does an MSTR® treatment involve?
    Gentle pressure is applied using the fingertip on the affected area. A methodical approach in combination with the gentle pressure helps to free restrictions in the scar. There is no force involved and any work performed on a scar is always applied within the client's tolerance. ​ MSTR® treatment times and outcomes will vary, depending on the size and complexity of the scar tissue being treated. In most cases, a single treatment session is all that is required to free the restrictions and even result in visible changes in the scar tissue. A follow-up will be conducted approximately one week after the first MSTR® treatment to determine whether an additional treatment will be required. ​ For very large and complex scars, it may require multiple treatments due to the size and complexity. In such cases the scar will need to be treated in sections of up to one hour treatments at a time.

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This website contains information about the services provided by Optimal Health Directions, including articles, blog posts and other general information. It is solely meant as a source of information and to help you decide if these services are suitable for you. It is not intended to provide individual health advice. Such advice must be obtained by visiting a qualified health-care practitioner in person.

No statement made on this website should be construed as constituting a health claim that specific treatments, foods, supplements or brand name products provide a "cure". As we take great care in providing you with valuable information, we cannot be responsible for how you use this information.

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